> I recently ordered some raw buckwheat kernels for sprouting.
> They come unhulled.
> Does anyone know what to do with the hulls once the grain
> has sprouted?

Grow them in soil, and eat/juice the buckwheat sprouts. About
8 days from the initial soak and jar sprout to soil and eventual
harvest. For me, pretty good for salad greens as an alterative to
other sprouts. These will grow pretty hearty with 1" of soil in
a tray and window light. Our local (Atl,GA,US) squirells will eagerly
munch both sunflowers and buckwheat sprouts, amongst others, quite
outdoors - some sort of protection, such as a cage or screen around
growing area may be needed, if outdoors. www.living-foods.com used
to sell some automatic water based sprouters, but I see recently
they are not selling anything but the plastic Biosta unit, a classic,
but really not a sprouter for unhlulled buckwheat...

Hulled buckwheat seeds are available, which *may* sprout ok, depending
quality, etc. These are the ones many raw recipe books refer to for
some of the patee recipies, etc.

What do you want to use them for ?


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