<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks for all of the responses.  They follow.  Most who addressed the
Ricola specifically thought they were o.k.

"I have a list from my support group and the only Ricola I have are:
Sugar Free- herb,alpine mint,cherry or lemon mint,mountain herb
Ricola regular throat drops:
Cherry mint, Honey herb, Lemon mint or orange mint and Menthol-Eucalyptus
They are the only ones on my list."

"I have used the Ricola Honey-Herb Throat Lozenges and have not had any
problem from them.  I can not used the Lemon or any other version of the
Ricola Throat Lozenges.  I use one the flavor on a regular basis with no
problem or reaction."

"I wrote to Ricola and the throat lozenges are gf.  I use them frequently."

"I've been using Ricola lozenges without any problems, and I react pretty
strongly to gluten. I read they were gf somewhere, about 3 years ago, but I
don't see them on any current lists that I have. However, their ingredients
haven't changed, and I don't see anything suspicious in the ingredients."

"speech teacher advice  ---   garlge with a mixture of 1/2 teas salt to 8 oz
warm or room temp spring water.  At first do every 15 min for the first hour
or two, then every hour.  You will feel much better. Then keep ANY candy in
your mouth... peppermints are fine....to keep the throat lubricated.
I have always used the yellow, original pkg of ricola in the yellow bag
because it contains licorice.  Real licorine is an natural expectorant.
By the way, if the sore throat last for more than 48 hours and/or your ears
are affected...GO TO THE DR.  You probably have a sinus and/or middle ear
infection."  (I did do this and the doctor felt that I had strep throat so
he put me on Zithromax.  He was real patient while I looked through what
antibiotics I had listed as being GF)

"If you have fever, muscle and bone aches, chills, you may have strep.  I was
never so sick as when I had strep a few months ago.  My throat was very sore
and felt swollen.  An antibiotic works wonders." (I didn't have the fever or
chills, just the aches.)

"I don't know about the throat lozenges you mentioned.  However, one of the
best AND certainly GF remedies for a sore throat is warm salt water gargle.
Hope you get relief soon."

"why don't you try zinc lozenges instead?
they are fantastic for sore throats, and 100% zinc, therefore natural.
also things such as sore throats, etc generally mean a deficiency of zinc,
so you would be solving two problems there." (This sounds like a good idea
although I didn't use it this time.  My doctor had said that my zinc level
is borderline.)

"The honey lemon herb lozenges are OK.  I am celiac and have used them
without a reaction."

Thanks again