<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you all so much for your replies!  The replies were mixed, with some
people saying that they had never had any such problems and others saying
that they had had problems and offering some advice (and a lot of people
asking for summaries!).  There were a number of people who replied saying
that they did have reactions when kissing someone else, but there were also
a number of people who wrote saying that no matter what their partner ate or
when, it didn't affect them -- so it depends on your sensitivity I guess.
Most people who said that they had had a problem said that they were
generally fine as long as they got their partner to either 1)brush his/her
teeth, 2)have a few sips of water to clear his/her mouth out, or 3)just wait
a few hours.  I am relieved to hear that this solved the problem for people
in most cases.  Someone also brought up the importance of women with celiac
partners wearing gluten-free lip stick (I didn't even realize there could be
gluten in lip stick so I'll have to check mine... but it hasn't been causing
me problems so it's probably okay).

Anyways, thank you all so much for your responses!  They were greatly
appreciated (both for information and moral support).  It's nice to hear how
many celiacs have partners who eat gluten free with them (most of the time),
and that for most people, their partner was even more concerned about
exposing them to gluten than they were.

Take care,
