on 7/23/00 11:14 PM, Yabadaba wrote:

> Having just come from a board meeting of the Texas Department of
> Criminal Justice, I didn't exactly see that Rainbow Coalition.    I saw
> a group that looked like they were going to church in an upper middle
> class white community, by and large.

Of course, what Yabadaba fails to tell you is that the 9-member Board
consists of 3 women and 1 black. Which may explain his cryptic inclusion of
"by and large."


Never let the facts get in the way of ideology, eh, Yaba?

Tresy Kilbourne
Seattle WA
"The Clinton-haters and their friends in the media are like a cargo cult:
they keep expecting something to fall from the sky, and years of
disappointment never seem to awaken any doubt." - Joe Conason