On Wed, 26 Jul 2000 12:50:27 -0400 Siobhan <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> <<I have no need to look into the standards on meat grading.  I'm only
> asking that you substantiate your assertion about the quality of meat
> that is used by the major burger chains.  Somehow, I'm not surprised
> that you are not prepared to support your statement...>>
> Wally,
> .  What you seem to be missing is that I have no personal need to prove
> this.  I was merely sharing info.  If someone is interested, they can
> it themselves.  Is it only I who evokes this rudeness in you?  My life
> not spent online providing documentation for everything I say.  How
> about if you are so interested, you DISprove it.

"Sharing info?"  how nice of you...  No, your "personal need" seems to be
to have the ability to spread boldfaced lies, and then have them go
unchallenged.  Well, tough... you will NOT get away with it, and you will
NOT put the burden of proving or DISproving your assertions on me.

YOU stated that "McDonald's and other commercial fast food places use a
grade of beef rated one grade below commercial animal food."  The clear
implication is that the meat used by these companies is considered unfit
even for ANIMAL consumption.  This, of course, is patently ridiculous.
It's no wonder that you refuse to provide ANY "facts or figures," but
until or unless you withdraw your assertion, I will continue to demand...
stated quite simply... that you put up or shut up...

Don't make yourself look even more foolish by trying to make it MY job a
THIRD time...

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