Slow day Betty ;)?

Cindy C.

On Sun, 9 Jul 2000 06:24:19 EDT Betty Alfred <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Ladies and Gentlemen:
> I would like to draw your attention to the fact that today is the
> third day
> of Pomplona, Spain's annual testosterone fest, or Fiesta de San
> Fermin, where
> guys in white outfits with red sashes run down the streets
> alongside/ahead
> of/behind the bulls.
> Bully for them.  HA!  Bully!  Get it?
> In anticipation that there might be those with disabilities who wish
> to
> participate in the Bull Run (not to be confused with The Battle
> of...), I
> have written a letter to the Committee for Useless and Stupid
> Suggestions
> (CUSS) with regard to provision for disability accommodation.
> Inasmuch as persons with disabilities sometimes run more slowly than
> TABs, it
> seems reasonable to expect the bulls to spot said disabled persons a
> few
> extra yards.  Moreover, due to the fact that disabled people have
> been
> previously banned from the run because of lack of accommodation, one
> would
> think that the bulls would be feeling fairly contrite.  I suspect
> that they
> would like to do this, if only to relieve themselves of the terrible
> weight
> of guilt.
> I will share CUSSs reply with you when I am in receipt of same.
> On a related topic, I am willing -- at the behest of a mere dare --
> to draft
> a letter to whichever committee is in authority over running event
> rules in
> the US, and suggest that the annual run with the bulls might be a
> suitable
> alternative for able bodied sports action figures who insist on
> participating
> in marathons using wheelchairs.
> That is...if they REALLY want to show me something.