Hello, all!

Much has been posted on the Anchell plan and I'm very interested in giving
it a try.  So I shall.  I've lost some 50 pounds in the past but I'm stuck.
Maybe Anchell will do the trick (and maybe a monkey will fly out of my butt,
to quote Wayne & Garth, but I digress).  The goal? To lose 20-25 pounds
between now and my trip to the UK which begins around October 20, or in
close to three months.  Just 8 pounds a month will do the trick, a
reasonable expectation.

Some history.  I've tried Anchell here and there for a day or two at a time;
couldn't throw out perfectly good produce, then logistics got in the way
(attending a musical conference with paleo but un-Anchell foods, for
example).  Here's what I know: some foods are hard to stop eating.  So I
will eat the following fruits and vegetables - grapefruit, pears,
raspberries, bananas and yams.  If I'm not mistaken, yams are paleo, at
least by some people's standards.  While I enjoy all foods the listed, they
don't kick in the lust-for-more I notice when eating, say, blueberries or
grapes.  And I eat the fruit first; otherwise, I notice cravings later.  I'm
THAT sensitive to carbs!  I've also noticed that all fruits make my tongue
burn.  Anyone have a clue on that one?

Other fine points: I plan to eat 1200-1400 cal/day, the closer to 1200 the
better.  This may sound like slim pickin's to some, but GD it, I'm out to
win!  I'm tired of waiting.  I'll also be working out; weights (mostly),
some swimming and a moderate amount of walking.

In the not-too-distant future, I may head to an endocrinologist and ask
"what's the deal?"  I have a high prolactin level, which indicates a problem
with the pituitary gland.  I'm rather cold-blooded; my office feels like a
fridge and I wear suit coats and long sleeves while other staffers are in
summer wear.  Could be a lazy thyroid, too.  I know I have (or had,
depending on your definition) PCOS, a hormonal imbalance; hyperinsulinemia
and obesity are direct results.  If the endo asks about my diet, I'll use
some generic terms to avoid a moronic lecture.  If they dig for the dirt,
I'll tell 'em what I'm doin' and if they think it's nuts, f*ck 'em; I'm
paying your mortgage, so get over it!  And I've done more through my own
research than any doctor I've even seen, so I know more than you do.  Hmm,
do I have an attitiude?  I'll admit it, I do.  But I HAVE done more without
them than with them.  I cannot, however, do my own bloodwork so they may be
called upon for some expertise.  Maybe not.

That's about it.  I will NOT follow Anchell for long.  The plan is to do it
for a week or two, then go back to regular paleo for a week, then back to
Anchell, and repeat the cycle 'til done.  If it works, that is.  A primary
reason for switch-hitting is the fact that the back yard vegetable garden
will soon be ripe for pickin' and I can't give away EVERYTHING I've grown.
And variety is good for both the taste buds and the metabolism.  As for
meats, I want to eat beef once a day and fish/seafood three times a week for
the numerous benefits of each.  For the first three days (today being Day
One) I will eat meat only.  I like a stoic, restrictive start.  It
eliminates cravings and definitely puts me into ketosis, which curbs my
appetite like nothing else I've tried.  I'm in ketosis now, but it takes
next to nothing to knock me out and I never go beyond moderate and only on
rare occasions do I acheive that, proof positive that the second half of the
weight-loss journey is always tougher than the first.

Welp, that's enough.  I'll certainly let you know if it works.  It'd better!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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