>From: Siobhan <[log in to unmask]>

>I'm wondering how people feel about eating an animal that has been fed
>grain?  In keeping with the paleo philosophy, how can this be okay when
>directly consuming grain isn't?  Thanks for your responses :-)

I'd be eating free-range meat if I could afford it, but right now I have
bigger financial fish to fry, as it were.  Of course, natural meats are
better, but it's simply not an option.  I am seriously considering talking
to a hunting club, though, to see if there's a way I could enjoy some of
their bounty.  Hey, maybe for sh*ts & grins I could take up hunting myself!
That'd get the neighbors talking.  Actually, I went on many a hunting trip
(deer) with my dad as a kid; booooooooring!  Ray's method (falconry) looks
pretty fun, though.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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