>Try to list any paleo-possible food composition for half of the day.
>Then, look what other paleo-possible food you could add to not stay
>hungry for the rest of the day. You'll find out, that what you badly need
>is *energy*, calories. And you'll find out, that it is hard to get that
>from wild game.
>Except you assume a *very* high fat percentage. Higher than animals in
>temperate regions show.
>And your brain fuel, glucose will be even harder to achieve by wild game.
>But a tuber would have it.

Okay, this is the last time I'll respond to this thread.  Life is short.

A tuber would have carbs, carbs and more carbs.  This would up my blood
sugar and make me dance for about ten minutes followed by an hour or so of
normalcy.  Around this time, my insulin level would go through the roof,
resulting in an energy dip so severe I could fall asleep at the drop of a
hat.  This happened on an almost daily basis for much of my adult life.

Meat, be it high in fat or low, would keep me humming for hours on end.
Glucose harder to achieve by wild game?  Puh-LEEZE!  Pasture fed red meat is
the most effecient, nutrient dense food known to man.  It alone can support
human life for an indefinite period.

In summation, let me say...

I meant what I said and I said what I meant;
true paleo's good, 100%.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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