You see the likes of Sedat Jobe are the typing people I metion on my last
mail. They are only with him for their pocket. We are really in a very
serious position now. These people hate anyone saying the truth against
them. One day you see Sedat jobe and the likes bowing down the Gambian
people. There were many before him and we don't even hear those people name.
Are you now seeing Edward in public defending him. Do not fool yourself and
your master thinking that you are fooling others. We all know what was and
is still going on. I am really sorry for people like you. Think of your
country first.

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>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
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>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: SoS Sedat Jobe.
>Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 19:30:02 EDT
>There he was in a three-piece suit professing both suprise and outrage at
>European Union statement that essentially called on the murderous
>for whom he is the chief diplomat to stop it's Gestapo tactics of gross
>rights violations. With a straight face Sedat Jobe accused the victims of
>government's thuggery and lawlessness as the one's who provoke the inhumane
>treatment meted out to them. As usual for regimes such as his, he tries to
>shamelessly revert to their own silly notions of sovereignty and national
>independence in a bid to rationalize government initiated terror on
>civilians. True to the traditions of other tyrannies, Sedat Jobe wants the
>or the rest of the world to refrain from calling them the evil that they
>He  even went as far as saying his government ought to be commended for
>countenancing a bail for Lawyer Darboe and his supporters on the ridiculous
>charges they have trumped up. Knowing fully well that he cannot take issue
>with the facts and premise of the EU statement, he tried to blame the
>severity of the tone on the EU representative . Has Sedat Jobe gone mad?
>does he expect the diplomat to do? The EU is not at all interested in being
>in the good graces of a government as manifestly abhorrent as his. They are
>running a brutal dictatorship and that is what is going to be reflected on
>assessments by people who are sent by sovereign entities to do exactly
>They had a similar attitude when the US State department also released a
>devastating report earlier this year. He also tries to blame the opposition
>for their tarnished image overseas. My only regret is the opposition is not
>doing more to alert the international community about the endless
>this government is committing on a daily basis. We must redouble our
>to further ensure the isolation of this rogue and criminal government at
>least through the very limited time the people of Gambia have to suffer
>       Sedat Jobe for his part is your quintessential African who inspite
>of a
>fine education, would do anything including rationalizing murder,
>torture and even forment chaos if  he can personally benefit from from such
>evil. The only thing driving his incessant defence of a regime he clearly
>knows is destroying our country and subjecting our people to never ending
>cruelty is a strong desire to get money and privileges. To that end no cost
>is too high for the likes of Sedat Jobe. He will go to his grave an
>unfulfilled man regardless of all the material gains he is angling for.
>is true for all crooks and men than that engage in the perpetration of
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