
I am sorry to hear that Mr Burris Devanney has been declared persona non
grata. Does this mean he has to leave the gambia. I know Devanney
personally. Any one who knows him as closely as i do will tell you that
Burris is a perfect gentleman. He loves the gambia and wants to do
everything he can to help gambia and gambians. Nobody is perfect though but
i cab say that Burris has good intentions for the country. Starting from the
establishment og GTTI, peer health educators and UEP. In my first year in
the UEP, i did not have scholarship. However, myself and nine others,
through Burris' help, were awarded a bursary of D9000 each from the NSGA in
Canada..I sereved in the students executive union of the university between
1997-98. I attended many meetings with education officials (the satang jow
was minister). I know what Burris has been saying and doing about the UEP.
Even at that time, you could sense that some people were not comfortable
about his presence in the UEP set up..

I suspect that three people are behind this...I would not hesitate to name
DR saidu Jallo, PS, DOSE. He has an ax to grind with Burris. Iwould not also
rule out the current SOS of Education. Whe myself and a friend met with her
in January this year, Burris was definitely not in her good books. Infact
his son mathew attende saint augustine's. He ofcourse could have gone to
canada to go to high school.

So Burris, if by any chance you have acess to this forum, this is Sulayman
saying thank you for your efforts. We know the real reason why you are
driven out. They cannot spoil your good name. My regards to your wife
Louanne, and son Mathew and also to Briane.

Can someone help me here. Is it true that Buba Baldeh, former minister is a
senior figure in APRC. What does decree 89 or something like that say about
this. Jammeh has refused to repeal that decree. Seeing that he himself has
violated it so it means it does not exist anymore. SO any former politician
who wants to participate in politics, come on, its game on.

Thanks every one.

Sulayman Jobarteh
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