<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi again!  LOL!

This is a summary of reponses to the discussion of liquid smoke - if you
missed the original post, let me know.

Just to clarify, I am not advocating or recommending Liquid Smoke, just
letting you know that some of what you might "miss" in animal products
and their taste can be "replaced" with this product.  As with all things,
I believe in moderation and commone sense.  LOL!

Love, Linda


Good for you!   I have lost MY taste for drama since getting on this
list.........I couldn't have said it nearly as well....or should I say
presented it nearly as well!


What do you imagine "liquid smoke concentrate" could possibly be made out
of?? How can anyone make a concentrate out of smoke???? I have loved the
flavor of this stuff in the past, but since being diagnosed with CD, I am
afraid to touch it........

[ Note from Linda:  Here is a website that describes the process.  I also
heard this same description from the gal on the phone at the first
company I called. Let me know if you want this sent in its entirety -
it's very educational!

Please click on the link to see the picture of the aparatus:


"Have you ever seen meat smoked in the old-fashioned way, in a smoke
house?  If so, you saw drops of dark brown liquid forming on the meat.
That was smoke that had condensed into liquid form, just as moisture in
the air condenses on the   windshield of your car and "fogs it up."  This
condensed or "liquid" smoke is the best food flavoring.  Colgin Natural
Liquid Smoke is produced by burning fresh cut hickory, mesquite, apple,
and pecan wood chips at extremely high temperatures and moisture levels.
There's nothing "synthetic" about it - it's not made from chemicals.  It
is made by placing high grade smoking woods in sealed retorts, where
intense heat makes the wood smolder (not burn), releasing the gases seen
in ordinary smoke.  These gases are quickly chilled in condensers, which
liquefies the smoke; it is then forced through seven refining vats and a
large filter, to remove impurities, and finally to the receiving and
barreling tanks.  While the equipment is modern, computer-controlled and
state-of-the-art, the process is the same as when S.E. Colgin first
patented it in the early part of the 20th Century.  Colgin Natural Liquid
Smoke is an all natural product with no additives or preservatives.  It
will enhance the flavor of meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, sauces,
gravies . . . anything that would taste better with a real smoke flavor
and aroma. Use Colgin Natural Liquid Smoke in your favorite gourmet
recipes.  Try some of our recipes here.   Colgin Natural Liquid Smoke
saves time and money!  It is a quick, low-cost, healthy alternative to
using a smoker.

Also, here is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) part from the same


Table of Contents

   1.Does Colgin Natural Liquid Smoke Need to be Refrigerated?
   2.What is the Shelf Life of Colgin Natural Liquid Smoke?
   3.What is the Nutritional Value of Colgin Natural Liquid Smoke?
   4.How Do You Use Colgin Natural Liquid Smoke?
   5.Where Can I Find Colgin Natural Liquid Smoke?
   6.Does Colgin Natural Liquid Smoke Contain MSG?
   7.Does Colgin Natural Liquid Smoke Contain Animal Byproducts?
   8.Is Colgin Natural Liquid Smoke Gluten Free?
   9.What is in Colgin Natural Liquid Smoke?


Thank you SO MUCH for sending all of that really amazing info on Colgin's
liquid smoke!!! (I'm the one who asked what it could be made out of and I
got a real education from your email!) [...] I live in Atlanta, one of
the homes of smoke-pit BBQ. I never know what they put in their sauces
now that I am GF, so I have to stay away from that situation.  Even
though I was a vegetarian for a number of years and really prefer that
choice, I get severely anemic quickly if I do not eat meat. So the idea
of Colgin's is really appealing to me. Thanks again for taking the time
and trouble to send me the material. I think it would be helpful to the
majority of listmembers too.


[ Note from Linda: this is the gal I spoke with who was going to e-mail
me back about the caramel coloring.  I haven't opened this bottle yet and
I was glad to have the encouragement from some of you to call this
company!  Thanks!  :-)  ]

From: "Lisa Ricci Robison" <<[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Talk O' Texas Okra Pickles
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 07:53:35 -0700

 This in regards to your call yesterday.  We  received an allergen
statement from our supplier of Caramel Coloring stating  that the product
is Gluten free.

Hope this helps! Sincerely, Lisa Robison Vice President Talk O' Texas
Brands,  INC.