<<The weight loss has not been much, which is strange since I have been in
ketosis since a few days after starting.  The one thing I noticed was there
is a largevariation in the color.  Sometimes it might only register a trace
and other times it might regester moderate? >>

The colors that indicate ketosis are the darkest two or three of the color
range.  It takes some people two weeks or more to go into ketosis, others, a
few days.  It's unique to the individual.  Metabolism has a lot to do with

For example, sticking to far less than 7g of carbs a day, I struggled for
almost 3 weeks to reach ketosis.  When I did, it was a very low level, and I
drifted in and out daily.  I finally gave up paying attention to this.
However, I've been aware for quite a while of having disturbed metabolic

I'm new to the list.  It sounds like a fair amount of people are doing a
paleo diet for weight loss reasons.  Is that an accurate perception?
