On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Mary Craddock wrote:

> did the guy say anything about caffeine - like no coffee or tea allowed?
> what beverages were allowed - water only?

Coffee and tea, without cream or sugar of course, are allowed.
No artificial sweeteners (He doesn't mention stevia).  It's
permitted to squeeze a half lemon into a glass of water.  That's
about it for beverages.  For those who are unwilling to give up
alcohol (and he discusses addictions a bit), he allows
unsweetened distilled things: whiskey, gin, vodka.  He claims
that alcohol is used for heat, but is not converted to fat.
Since the alcohol calories are used for this purpose, instead of
body fat, alcohol consumption will slow weight loss, but he
claims it doesn't directly interfere with it by causing fat to be
stored.  Beer and wine, since they contain unfermented sugars,
are strictly excluded.

Like Ray and Troy, Anchell insists that even trace amounts of
added sugars should be avoided.  This defies comprehension, since
he permits watermelon.

Todd Moody
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