On Tue, 20 Jun 2000 15:57:02 CDT, Justin Hasselman
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Although this may be paleo, it's certainly not very healthy.  Heating
>delicate oils such as olive oil turns them into 'killing' fats (see Fats
>that Heal Fats that kill by Udo Erasmus).  Heat alters the molecules of
>these delicate fats and turns them into trans-fatty acids.  Even saturated
>fat is considered more healthful than heated olive oil.

This questions all frying.
I use also use olive oil for it, but think about switching
to cocos or palm fat because they have mostly saturated fat.

I thought monounsaturates (olive) are rather heat tolerating.
Surely saturates tolerate heat best.

Is heating Olive-oil discouraged in the Erasmus Book?
Recently Todd mentioned that he doesn't expect trans-fatty acids from
Can someone elaborate? The Erasmus-book seems to be recommendable?


Amadeus S.