On Mon, 19 Jun 2000 07:07:47 -0400 Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]>

> Whomever you unspecifically want to address with your word "THEY"...
> I am vegetarian and I have *no* intention to put any force on anyone
> on "OUR" ideas.

I  beg your pardon Amadeus.  I was refering to the organized "animal
rights" movement in the US, as well as the large proportion of
vegetarians who masquerade as impartial medical and nutritional experts.
Their political intentions have recently become obvious (mainly through
the efforts of PeTA, and militant creeps like Dean Ornish), but I believe
that the entire "low fat" movement of recent decades has been hugely
influenced by commited (but more politically savvy) vegetarians.  This is
the same movement that has set THREE ounces (85g) as a healthy "serving"
of meat, and fostered the idea that the human body NEEDS carbohydrates as

Of course, this all goes back much further than this recent history.  As
Ray has often pointed out, much of our current "common wisdom" about
nutrition comes fairly directly from the questionable theories of Dr.
John Harvey Kellogg, and his vegetarian mentors...

I know that you believe that you have a scientific basis for your
personal practices.  Even though I don't agree with you, I would not try
to influence government or medical authorities to limit or inhibit your
right to follow your own beliefs.  I don't know what the political
climate about this is in Germany, but in the US, it's shaping up into a
major battle, which has been in the making for many years.

If there was not already such a solid foundadtion of belief in the
"evils" of meat and fat, and the "purity and goodness" of veggies and soy
products, the current efforts of the militant vegetarian movement would
simply be laughable.  But the official brainwashing has been so subtle
and persistant, that many of their underlying myths have been
uncritically accepted as fact.  One small example of this is a current
television advertisement (for a health insurance company, I think), which
features a nutritionist cheerfully telling us that red meat can be a
healthy "ALTERNATIVE" food...

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