Thomas wrote:
>I don't really think this is the time to ask of the ins and outs of "high"
>meat, temperature is too hot here lately, enough to fry the friggin'
>bacteria, but I go where exterminating angels fear to tread.   Sometimes,
>after eating aged-beef, I feel a slight bloating, as if I am going to be
>bacteria infested or otherwise sick.  So far this lasts only for a short
>while then all is okay.

The same with me but with crabs sometimes! And one friend told me that
he frequently gets the "avocado disease", feeling infected and sick
eating avocados, even for some days following the meal.

>Is this an effect of extra bacteria in the meat,
>or apprehension (okay, I feel a little apprehensive still), or the e coli
>placebo effect?  I am going to skip the molds thing until I get some hard
>answers! ;-)

The bacteria? Hm, I don't believe it. It should be worse with terrible
aged crabs then. But it isn't.
So I'm left in the dark like you with this phenomen.

What seems sure to me: it is   n o t   an infection because it's over
quickly. And there's just this sick feeling in my throat, nothing
A good infection should at least throw some mucus or similar things

>But I do have questions and there seems to be a dearth of
>well-rounded info out there, at least that originated on this planet.  I
>think I'll have another go at the archives soon.

Hand over your questions. Maybe some people (including me) are in
the mood to answer them right now.

Instinctive raw greetings,
