On Fri, 26 May 2000, Liza May wrote:

> Hi Lucia,
> Always in the shell. Nature's packaging protects the nut. And if you
> can, keep them in the freezer (if not, don't worry about it).
> How's your foot?

thanks for the info. I knew that, just checking :)  my foot is Ok
days. I soak it in MSM and that helps alot.  I've been going contra
dancing lately which is so much fun but my feet get sore. I also
that sore joints and muscles can be a symptom of hypothyroidism so
may also be an explanation.

Right now I'm exploring colustrum. have any experience with that?

I am giving away samples of that raw goat yoghurt to family and
and everyone loves it. it's a winner! (that's what Mr. Spotts says all
time) hehe.
