While oils are good supplements,
I would find it difficult
or impossible to be a paleo-natural bodybuilder without
red meat consumption.

Philip Thrift

On Tue, 20 Jun 2000 08:22:54 -0400, Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>A very good reputation and some k-years test phase has olive oil.
>And "extra vergine" tastes excellent.
>I personally like *very* much the taste of fresh flax and hemp oils
>(these are omega-3 wizards too).
>Nut oils are expensive but in omega 3, taste and composition superb.
>Sunflower tastes good also, is very high in Vitamin E but alas
>(like safflor) abnormal high in omega 6. Needs careful alternation with
>some omega 3 wizards. Similar is sesame oil.
>N.B. Vitamin E is notoriously low in high meat diets.
>I think some of these can be good alternatives to pork and beef fat.