Hi, All,

In doing some research, I stumbled accross this American Heart Association
story on fat consumption:


Perhaps the most interesting thing I noticed in this 'grains are GOOD for
you!" article is that the research took place at Colorado State Univeristy,
which is also home to paleo guru Dr. Loren Cordain.  Hmmm, wonder if he and
the woman in charge of this study ever rub elbows?  That might be
interesting to witness!

At any rate, the chief researcher lauds the benefits of eating two servings
of low-fat cereal grains a day.  Those who ate oat cereal did better than
those who ate wheat cereal (duh!).

What were the improvements?  Funny you should ask.  This trick helped the
study participants eat less fat.  But that's about as far as it went.  Only
one mere mention of blood lipid profiles; that oaters fared better than
wheaters in this area.  No stats.  And while the cut in cholesterol consumed
was mentioned, apparently no one bothered to look at the test's impact on
cholesterol in the blood.  It wasn't mentioned at all.

In other words, the AHA can't see the forest for the trees.  Yeah, sure,
eating grains seems to make you eat a lower fat diet.  But so what?  I'm
tempted to call this woman and suggest she go down the hall and talk to
Cordain about the next tree she'd bump into if she bothered to open both

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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