>From: jlpresto <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: [P-F] Skin problems
>Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 11:47:23 +0900
>Interestingly, I have been thinking of mailing about my own skin problems.
>These come apparent when I eat lots of nuts.  Walnuts it seems especially.

I've got the same problem. The nuts seem to be the most problematic
paleo-food for me. No matter if they are fresh or roasted, shelled or not I
cannot eat too much of them without experiencing some digestive problems and
skin conditions.

I think that's the example of the fact that we cannot judge the food only on
its nutrition information (nuts look perfect from this point of view) but
also how well we can digest and assimilate it.


Paul S

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