On Sat, 3 Jun 2000 13:07:53 EDT, Gawen Harrison <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I know you don't want to hear this, however, grass fed animal meat has CLA
>in it.  CLA is a know anti cancer agent.

Why shouldn't i want? Animals do accumulate much of the goodies they eat.
Especially liver is an enormous potent source of some vitamins.

I'm sorry that I mentioned the cancerogenous fats at first.
Any custom would do. E.g. any substrate intoxicated by fungus.
I correct:
>If any population had a custom that caused a death rate of 20% before the
> age of 40 (e.g. eating carcinogenous fungus toxins),that would
> hardly show up in the fossil record.

It's just to say: not all paleo-lifestyles *need* to be healthy.
Long term unhealthy eating habits (e.g. such causing cancer)
may even survive a long time in a society with a high death
rate of other causes.
A reason to keep our eyes open.

CLA, I havent read much about this substance except that it was said to
be veeeery healthy (probably from supplement makers).
Do you have any net-resources about CLA and its role to mention?

