You might try checking out the website  Commercial foods
list included for gluten free & casein free (dairy free) foods/beverages.
Milk/cheese subs listed there too.  My son's ear infections ceased upon
eliminating dairy so I'm a believer.



>I'm new to the list and to no-milk cooking:  We strongly suspect that my
3yo son has a problem with milk and dairy.  His symptoms are:  ear
infections, swollen glands, enlarged spleen, loose bowels (these things have
been pretty constant).  The doctor tells me not to be "silly"... tells me
this is all "normal".  Lotta help he is.  I am attempting to eliminate the
dairy and to see if this helps and I am looking forward to the postings here
to help me find the substitutes and support I need.  Do these symptoms ring
a bell with anyone?  My son never