I must say that Mr. Ebou Colly and Mr. Dampha are prudent intellectuals who
have not only accurately pin-pointed the major weaknesses in the writings of
Foroyaa, but also vividly exposed the disorganized nature and dishonesty of
the writings in talking about the Coroner's Inquest and the so-called
Commission of Inquiry. Colly put it best: "Sometimes when they want to talk
about a spot in the moon, they would first take you on a ride at different
spots in the surrounding stars until you sometimes end up being totally lost
in the galaxy." This description of Halifa Sallah's writing is a fair
characterization. Halifa Sallah is a very "dry Intellectual" who is
sometimes dishonest in presenting his views on a particular issue; and this
kind of approach tends to throw readers off. Ever since I was in high in the
1980s, when Foroyaa was at its highest point in shaping the political debate
in the country at the time, I could hardly consolidate or even understand
what they were highlighting about the Jawara Administration. Foroyaa's
writings sometimes resembles a day-dreamer's dream, which is solely based on
images cultivating in the mind and not realities.

His(Halifa Sallah) writings are absolutely weird, with a weird name hair and
look and personality, no wonder his organization and arrangements of ideas
are also weird. And in writing about the Coroners Inquest and the so-called
Commission of Inquiry, Halifa took a may-we-go-round before coming to the
central question. What I don't understand is the weirdness in the writings
of an intellectual like Halifa, someone whom to my judgement is also fit to
run for the highest Office of the Land; but yet, judging by his recent
writings, it seems as if he is indirectly campaigning for the monster child
murderer President. Is Halifa being paid by the child murderer, or is he
just advancing his honest ideas? That should be a course of concern for all
Intellectuals in the Country. Or should we put forward the question that
there is vacancy for prudent and seasoned Intellectuals in the Country? I
don't so. We only happened to have the "Dry Intellectuals" like Halifa who
only gives us empty bones in their writings, instead of giving us meat. I
think, taking into account the prevailing precarious circumstances in our
beautiful country, The Gambia, we humbly deserve honest, well-thoughtful,
well-organized and seasoned intellectual contributions, and not a sheer dry,
pathetic and bizarre writings. In conclusion, I do however commend every
body, including Halifa for their valuable contributions. Keep Hope Alive.

Ansumana Kujabi
Concerned citizen
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