!Stop Acting And Face The  Nation!


Your frailled mind is mind!
Gonna tell you right, just show your face in broad day light!
I ma telling you how i feel!

I ma gonna hurt your mind!
Dont shoot to kill the young!
Dont dress to intimidate the gunless, your promised assingment!
Lay it all on to thyself-- ok! Thy perceiption, thy frialled mind.!

Sorry aint enough for me! Call it off effective noon tommorrow-Re:Nixon!
I'm giving you on a count of three!
I know you know what i mean!

And to me thats really the truth!But Bro you aint seen nothing yet!
Let my love ones go free!Or worst still just wait till iam through!
A man can tell thousand lies!
I heard you are doing wrong!

The whole world has to answer now, but dont try to preach on to me!
You are not a man!
You are throwing stones to hide your hand!
You are wearing dentures to hide your fangs!

WE can change the world Effective noon Tommorrow!
This could be a better place if u  had known how to love!
Opened your ears after your biggest meal at the UN!
Warning signs upon your being!

No more children no cry!
No more tears shed to wet the coffin!
No more  blood to wet the floor!
No no more!   NO NO No   NoMORE!

You can make this world a better place effective noon tommorrow!
If you dont like what iam saying why dont you slap your own face!
Blame it on your own, your own  inablity to feel long distant!
Do you remember the Grand Hytt Hotel!
Dont act like you never met me before!

What did you promise me!
Maximum security for all!
Now you dont have what it takes  to pick up phone?!
This blood shed could have been avoided had you listened at the Grand
Hytt!!!!Dont act like you never met me before!

I met you when we were strong and innocent!
You know iam mad!
And the whole world has to answer right now!
Must it end this way---------------------->!

Give up the hold on her neck, turn the sword against your own pride!

And Let the  nation go free!

Do have what it takes to ignore your guards!

And  put national  interest first!

Are you  going to hand over the babies alive! Saved and sound!


        Yours sincerely

                      kalilu camara

>From: kalilu camara <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: In The Name Of Tolerance
>Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 02:45:41 GMT
>My Dear Fiends,
>Your intentions of goodwill is decumented in the history of our beloved
>nation. Gambia sure has decreed special blessings for those who care about
>her and those who respect her living.Receive these words in good faith.I
>believe that the power of change is in the hands of god and the forgivers
>and partners in caring.
>     Behold let us speak in words of kindness and mutual respect understand
>and love.I for one i believe,i suspect must of you  believe  too,in the
>grace of heaven,that  truth, justice and the power of God
>are timeless,that the light of heaven is embracing our late brothers
>and sisters in in their final place of rest,may we find them there in Gods
>grace.There is no doubt they lost there existence in a bid to get justice
>for their brother and sister;there is no doubt their lives where cut short
>by their own fellow Gambians who may claim to be in our circle of
>brotherhood.HOw a brother could turn against another and blow their jaws
>away is beyoung the grasp of my limited imagination!
>But there is no doubt in my mind that those who lost their lives in the
>defend of the rights of their own fellow humanbeings are the true
>'UNKNOWN SOLDIERS' of the Gambia and anywhere in the universe for that
>      Brothers and Sisters of goodwill,let us not dwell on the past
>alone,for that mental exercice have proven to be fruitless!Let us forcus
>collective imagination on the present and on the goal of securingall souls
>remaining now,through peaceful and constructive means.
>      Let us use the past as trees use the sunlight,to draw our energy
>to move forward, the fact that the struggle is here means we are not
>       In time God may make it all easier to understand the experiences
>we have endured and continue to face together.For now we have little choice
>but encourage each other that only God has brought us this far and by His
>devine will we shall go much further hand in hand!
>  I believe that today in The Gambia there is emerging a newpathway
>of peace forgiveness tolerance and mutual understanding that will in
>a short time soon transform our collective loss to a national
>transformation.This promised land will unfold amist difficulty pain loss
>grief.we must never never never for a second loose sight of this land!
>    Let us bury our fears as we buried our  lost siblings. Let us
>bury all fears of the future, of burdens and debts,of suffering.
>Above all let us remove from the sanctuary of our minds all thoughts of
>unkindness,bitterness,resentment and gloom;for we certainly do not want
>these to multiply!They must be washed off our minds, for what is allowed to
>stay in our minds will grow,therefore we must make it a
>priority to think on things that we want to grow in the Gambia.
>This way they will come to bear fruit.
>  All powers on this planet and the heavens are in the hands of a God who
>does not live in anyones pocket!
>  Let us receive each other in the true spirit of brotherhood and
>tolerance.If we could find it in us to forgive each other and allow
>each one to express their self the way they know how and bring our
>collective concern to the noble table of love i believe that the grace of
>God will see us through!
>To be afraid we must not believe in God!To be strong we have little choice
>but put HIM first.
>God has given even his trees the grace of sunlight for a free source of
>energy,He has given us his spiritual grace as a source of unlimited
>energy and strength.Let us learn from the trees and access his presence by
>opening our hearts wide open to all His creatures that feel especially each
>other! He will without a doubt give us the wisedom
>we need and the intelegence not only to love each other but to understand
>each others language and actions.
>  This way a leader will not look low on himself by treating his subjects
>like their muscles were made  of wood and their words a noisy moment not to
>be reckoned with. This way the leader will not be the punishment but the
>source of love, understanding and a source of optimism.
>   This way i wont be judged, all my words here in and after come right
>my heart cuz aint a doubt in my soul iam hurting like all of you for the
>           Sincerely yours
>            kalilu camara
>>From: Momodou Camara <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>><[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Re: In The Name Of Tolerance
>>Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 13:19:40 +0200
>>[log in to unmask] writes:
>> > With respect to the lady who raised the whole issue, if you can name me
>> >any Scandinavian/European country where intolerant and extreme groups
>> >the neo Nazis/Fascists are tolerated then I will you know that you are
>> >just
>> >great. It is all very well to sit in the relative comfort of your house
>> >Europe drooling about tolerance whilst those who are at the receiving
>> >of
>> >Jammeh's intolerance each day has to suffer and expect of them to
>> >such a situation. History does have a buck you know. That is worth
>> >remembering in these difficult periods.
>>Asbjorn is not a lady but a gentelman:-)
>>Momodou Camara
>>e-mails: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
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