On Mon, 15 May 2000 14:33:33 -0800 Zoe <[log in to unmask]> writes:

I was thinking it wasn't good for him to do this, but
he maintains that our paleolithic forbears did not have 3
regular meals a day and undoubtedly had to go without food
What do you all think - is this a healthy way or not?

Ardeith writes:
I'm wondering if his energy droops during the day.....
otherwise I'd agree with him........our ancestors woke,
broke their fast with whatever was left of last nights
supper, and snacked through the day as they gathered
whatever they were gathering...............if they rested
through the heat of midday, they may have eaten
a meal at that time.........I don't think three square
meals a day existed until the Industrial Revolution
made it necessary for people to report to work
at a particular time, work until a particular time
to break for lunch, and then work until time to
go home to their regularly scheduled suppers.

Now, I have a small report for this group........
after three weeks of eating no bread at all,
Fred brought home bar-B-Q the other night
and they had packed soft buns in with the
ribs........I ate half of one.....just half....I gave
the rest to the dogs........that night I began
48 of the most miserable hours I've known
lately.......hives from head to toe, itching
horribly, feeling as if the inside of me was
hollow and inflamed......gas like you wouldn't
believe...........my anithistimines just barely
kept the itching in check.....the lumps of
the hives were there but not itching........
at one point I thought I might have to go
over to the hospital for an injection of
cortisone because it was becoming hard
to breathe........but my allergy pills kicked
in and that passed...........I swear I had
eaten nothing else that was any different
..........the meat and slaw from the Bar-B-Q
are both parts of my regular diet......and
I've eaten their sauce before with no
problems.........I think I shouldn't eat no
more bread, no how, no time, no way!

Has anyone else had such reactions?

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