On Tue, 2 May 2000 16:21:33 -0400 MissRoben <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Can any of you suggest any teething biscuits?  Could you specify
> specifically which foods they are FREE OF too?

I used one that was dairy and wheat free.  It was made from oat & soy
flours and molasses.  They are from Healthy Times.   They were K-D, but
they claimed to be dairy free (they had another variety that had dairy in
it).  I gave my box away and couldn't remember what they were, so I did a
search on Whole Foods web site and found them there.  Here is the
ingredients as listed there:

Organically Grown Whole Oat Flour, Organically Grown Whole Soy Flour,
Organic Unsulphered Molasses, Organic Cold Pressed Safflower Oil, Organic
Maple Flavor.

We gave up on teething buscuits bc they were just such a mess.  I'd have
a molasses flavored kid from head to toe!  And a high chair that needed a
bath too.  We just prefered the water filled toys that you could

Kathy P.

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