>Maybe so; maybe not. Wild living animals eat cooked foods (forest fires,
>steam vents, etc),

how often can this happen once in a life time?

>frozen foods (all along the snowline in both hemispheres),

Species who evolved on the temperate climates do but it is not what
favor and it is not a main source of foods
The humans ocupation of thoses regions are not so old

>mix foods (wadging, going back and forth between foods and
>often not eating their foods in instincto-like sequence), even have been
>seen to dip foods into the ocean in an apparent effort to salt them. And
>all animals seem to avail themselves of natural salt licks where ever

all those things are very much self limited  and regulated for the
species ,only humans have a capacity now to make it a way of life.
How much
mixing can you pratically do without a salad bowl?
. I personally at time mix diferrent greens while harvesting them  but
basicaly without the use of seasonning it is very much limited and
when i
enjoy arugula i take the time to harvest only that, leave by leave (
have an amazing tool to do that , their hands)  despite that all my
are growing together. I saw horses doing the same , sorting out grass
they want clover( their lips are amazing of ability to do that )

Note on the instincto sequence it is not necessarely a way of life but
important tool to reappropriate the instinctive response to foods, and
it is
the most aproximate model of natural food intake that i know. for all
species . Animals travel a lot to look for a special source of food.
when i walk thru the woods there is one place and time  for nettles ,
for miners lettuce , and one for Pigeon ( today i stole a pigeon that
a crow
was killing by pushing it in the water, he was eating it alive ,i had
kill it , my all focus was on the pigeon and had no interest to catch
a crab
that i saw  going by or harvesting oysters that were there too. )

Instinctive approach is the antithesis of litteral interpretation of
