so true about the  condiments--you should see my dogs lap up gourmet
seasoned foods.

the paleoscience cinched it for me, and I switched .  But what really
started me thinking and questioning was watching old movies!  As an
artist I look at faces and somatype--the body.  In the forties and
fifties people in general looked much better than they do today, in
general.  Take a look at national geographic magazines, look or life
The skull shapes of people looked better longer--they had a definite
to their skin and hair.  It was because they had meat at each
of it, many courses of it sometimes--mixed with vegetables and
salad.  whenever I see someone shine that way, I know they eat animal
protein which contains fat--that shine I don't see in many people
They look PASTY and even many fruitarians lack the shine of fat and
protein-nourishment, the very shine they are seeking from fruit-only
Many people today eat meat, but because of the predominant
dietary FAT-PHOBIA, they minimize meat, and fill up on more carbos,
throws the system into overstorage--and PASTINESS.