Hi Renga,
> I had mercury amalgum filling in my lower molars on both sides of my
> One of them partially came off a week ago. I thought this is a good time
> remove all mercury stuff and replace with non-metallic fill. When I met
> Dentist this wednesday, she said that she couldn't simply do a fill;
> she needed to do root canal on both molars;

I had to deal with something similar last year (or the year before -
can't remember at the moment). I couldn't find a whole lot of
trustworthy-looking information (but here are the url's I found, for
whatever they're worth).

I called dentists and oral surgeons across the United States and
asked for their opinions on some of the problems I read about.

What I finally decided to do was have my tooth extracted (that's the
fancy word for "pulled out"). My tooth was way in the back, and I
was told it was just not a critical tooth. And from what I could
gather, the possible dangers of root canals were worrisome enough to
not want to go that way.

Here are the sites: (and I'm sure there are newer better ones now
than these)...







Let us know what you turn up, and what you decide.

Love Liza