> mindless eating will kill you

Yes. And mindful eating can harm (or kill) you, too.  The only eating
won't hasten your demise is what is best for you.  No one "out there"
tell you what that is.  Take it all in, test is all out, and then YOU
determine what's best for you.

> "boring mundane world" refers to the way things look when in a poor
> state of health--fruit took me out of that so I could enter cornucopic
> reality.  are you a saint, or just too young to realize this

When you're in a poor state of health, you're not able to determine
best for you.

May I suggest that you begin with the premise that what your ancestors
is good for you.  Your ancestors ate what they could hunt and gather,
Africa and Europe.

Start by eating meat/fish/fowl, vegetables, greens and some fruit (in
season).  And exclude New World foods ... nightshades (tomatoes,
peppers of all kinds, eggplant, paprika, tobacco), gourds (sqaush,
pumpkin), sweet potatoes, almonds, Brazil nuts.  Eat no grains, beans,
(including peanuts) or starchy vegetables (that require cooking).  Eat
leafy greens every day.  If you can do so, and I think you can, try
animal food in its raw state; please see
Try to never cook fat and protein; if you must cook them, use steaming
pressure-cooking.  Add no condiments, herbs, spices, salt, pepper,
sugar or
dressing to your food.

After you've done that for a while (2 months), you'll be able to
decide for
yourself, what changes you may wish to make..

Norm S.