> I will be negative if i was seeing that and either looking at all the
> ground who doen't have holes in it .or drinking away my fears of being
> hurt. saying :  isn't it beautifull all this solid concrete around the
> hole ?

The trick is to look at the ugly and the beautiful at the same time,
and to be able to see both.

Most people (especially in the "counter-culture" world) seem to be
stuck on looking at, thinking about, talking about, the ugly.

I think this has something to do with guilt, or class background, or
some sort of protection from adversity or something. People I know
who have faced a terminal illness, starvation, other encounters with
death and horror, seem to understand this more intuitively. Old
people often do, too.

Justifying this as some sort of responsible civic duty is, in my
opinion, just an excuse to continue to muddle around in negativity.

But now I've forgotten how this relates to raw food.

Love Liza