>From: edi sidibeh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Sedat Jobe is Jammeh's Candidate!
>Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 17:13:05 +0300
>Ebrima I for one,gives no gesture to what you and you source says.One
>thing you should remember,the prove of the pudding is from the eating.
>Don't you people think we are stifling ourselves on this issue too much to
>devert our focuses from the future development aspect and their means
>instead of selfish accusations and misinformations that is taking it's
>toll among us.Ebrima can't you see that your source is implicating
>him/herself at the same time being a caword to implicate others in loosing
>their job.Moreover this mail are red by people even in the Gambia.What do
>you think that woman will feel after reading this mail of yours?
>In the absence of significant investments to help deversify our narrow
>economic base( manufacturing for export, tourism and other services)and
>expand export oriented activities, the economy remains highly vulnerable
>to unfavourable external and domestic shocks.These among others should be
>discuss to some point.Moreover it will help other government which we all
>are praying for to focus on. Jammeh must go I agreed but are we thinking
>of the aftermath? hell NO.
>Some of you might think negative in the sense that I am trying to devert
>people's focus from Jammeh issue, But who cares.Of-cause, every concern
>gambian should act to such irresponsible manner but should base on
>strategic actions not selfishly.My Stance here is the fact that we are all
>Gambian and moreover not living in the country to face any kinds of
>intimidation by the regim, we should create a healthy atmosphere and
>encourage each other towards truth but not elitism.As new Gambians, we
>should try to clear the old believes such as,political
>hostilities,nepotism corruptions in within our societies.This forum is not
>an exceptional in comparison to Gambia politic which sucks.We are all
>humanbeing and should therefore be treated like one.
>In the case of the Ambassador and Mr saidy,I don't think they should be
>force to answer any question against thier will,especially if insults are
>on to them like rain and some are accusing them being an informer for the
>regim.Who cares if they are? only cawords will have ponder on such because
>they are not serious.
>As somebody wrote earlier,no one should believe what others wrote,Is this
>man serious?Because misinformation is the last thing we need here,everyone
>should have this in mind that we are trying to put things right and
>misinformation is not the right strategy here.What ever one writes here
>should not be misleading but correlative.
>YES,the political situation in the Gambia sucks,but that gives no right to
>say or create false accusations but facts which will have to prevail
>forever. can't you people realise the fact that we are not only hurting
>Jammeh in this kind of attitutes but the future of the country as well as
>people on the ground.If we wanted to get rid of Jammeh,It will not be
>without the help of the internation organisation who on one hand, can
>pressurise the regim to hold free and fair election.Therefore how to make
>this process happen should be our target than hauling on unnecessary small
>talk without fruit.
>I think people who don't mind any means of taking power are those whose
>illigal properties are acquired by the government.They know that this
>process will go on for any government who envolves in mismanagement.We
>will not engage in satisfying their mission but that of the benefit to the
>Gambia and Gambian at large.
>There have been disagreement between myself and others in the forum but
>without insults.Yet some wrote complaining of his child caution.If there
>was ill-bred arguments yes is really bad for the child to read,but this
>one was not so,therefore I see not harm on that but educating her that we
>don't have to be weak in expressing our inner feelings.I am not
>illusionising here as some might thing, but it is obvious that i will
>never engage in idiotic arguments due to the my self esteem.
>EDI LK SIDIBEH                                  NAAKANTIE 2C9
>On Sat, 13 May 2000, Hamjatta Kanteh wrote:
> > Ebrima,
> > Keep up the good work and do be careful as your source suggested. The
>pressure must be maintained and sustained. I have no doubt in my mind that
>the criminals have already chickened out. We must harden our resolve and
>speak in one voice. It's the only way to uproot Fascism. The message to the
>tyrant must be repeated by all concerned in unison that Fascism will not be
>appeased and will be uprooted.
> > Hamjatta Kanteh
> > ************************************************************
> > [log in to unmask] wrote on 5/13/00 2:08:21 PM
> > ************************************************************
> > Gambia-L:
> >
> > One of my sources in the Gambia has sent the e-mail below.
> >
> > Ebrima Ceesay
> >
> > ________________________________________________________________________
> >
> >
> >
> > Hello Ebrima,
> >
> > How are things with you? I hope you are fine. Well, with regard to those
> > us working very close with President Jammeh's office, I have to say that
> > are in a constant state of panick, because you never know what the
> > is up to.
> >
> > In fact, I was told by a colleague, that Mam Njie may have been fired as
> > Permanent Secretary, because they thought he may have leaked the Vice
> > President Isatou Njie-Saidy's resignation to you.
> >
> > Therefore, be prudent/careful with the information I send you; remember
> > we are on the ground.
> >
> > And before I proceed any further, I wish to state that by responding to
> > Sidibeh's provoking e-mail, you have committed two serious errors. Your
> > first error was leaving the signature of the sender of one of the
> > earlier postings. Although, you quickly admitted the error, the damage
> > already been done in that we, civil servants, became suspects as being
> > sources.
> >
> > The second error, which is quoting from private e-mails from sources,
> > only provide Yahya Jammeh with hints of who and who are feeding you with
> > information. These errors combined may just impinge on your credibility
> > that of your sources. So ignore people like Edi Sidibeh in future.
> >
> > On Mr. Hamjatta Kanteh's posting, I had drafted a letter to this effect
> > yesterday, but I have not yet posted it to you. However, I can confirm
> > you there is "panic" within the inner circle of the Jammeh regime. In
> > playing the tribal card, Jammeh said the other day that he was aware of
> > opposition to his rule (I say to his mis-rule) and that he was also
>aware of
> > the fact that the "Banjulunkas" will never accept an outsider as their
> > President.
> >
> > He even said that his own APRC was against him. This one I know
> > about. A top APRC party stalwart confided in me that they simply cannot
> > muster enough courage to tell Jammeh to his face to quit the party.
> >
> > But, the gentleman continued "we are working on something and with some
> > one". He has provided the name of one individual whose identity I will
> > divulge at this time.
> >
> > According to this party stalwart, Jammeh has only brought shame and
> > to Gambians while enriching himself in the process. "This man has
> > us" he added before leaving. The indemnity is a trial balloon knowing
> > likes of Yankuba, Edward and Jatta of GNA would also like to be in
> > indemnified for obvious reasons.
> >
> > So, Ebrima, I am confirming that, indeed, there is panic in their midst.
> > Next time, I will give you an insight into the APRC itself, a perfect
> > study of how NOT to organise and run a Political
> > Party.
> >
> > Anyway, in his attempt to sell the idea of indemnity for himself, Yaya
> > Jammeh has suggested Dr Momodou Lamin Sedat Jobe, to replace him as
> > president. And it is now clear that one of the reasons why Mrs Isatou
> > Njie-Saidy's resignation has not been accepted by Jammeh for now, apart
> > the rapid melt-down that it will cause at this moment, is because Yaya
> > to include her departure in the deal. Ebrima, things have really fallen
> > apart in the government; so you guys should keep the presure on.
> >
> > As for the Jammeh's other hand-picked civilians in his Cabinet, I know
>for a
> > fact, that all exits are being blocked. For instance, "that stupid one"
> > the Education Ministry has been putting feelers for a job at UNESCO.
> > her not to bother, and by the way, GAMSU is being encouraged to submit a
> > petition to UNESCO, UNICEF, ILO.
> >
> > So, Ebrima, all International Organisations have been alerted and
> > with the names of these characters who have been knocking on
> > their doors for employment.
> >
> > Yahya Jammeh has reduced them to his level, no self-esteem, no respect
> > (Rudney Dangerfield, any one?) Ebrima, leave this one in for those
> > who appreciate America humour.
> >
> > Some tit-bits: the atmosphere continues to be tense and uncertain. And
> > the way, the IMF is in fact in town and they would like answers to the
> > "BIVAC Controversy" as the Observer puts it. Why is this Government
> > persistent on carrying on with the "scheme" by deliberately misleading
> > public and the business community?
> >
> > The dalasi is D15.54 against the dollar; a 40% depreciation in three
> > months, thanks to Yahya Jammeh, Nfamara Jatta and the man who brought
> > BIVAC team to Yahya. That man is none other than the First Lady's
> > Father-in-Law of The Gambia.
> >
> > And this man, Zeinab's father-in-law, according to friends in Conakry,
> > the biggest small-time crook in this side of west Africa.
> >
> > These are the type of characters this government has been attracting to
> > beautiful country. Ebrima, and the rest of you, take the advise
> > of Saul Khan, if you have not already done so, START COUNTING. With kind
> > pressure, the days of Yaya's rule are numbered.
> >
> > I believe Solomon Njie wanted to know the goings and comings of Baba
>Jobe. I
> > do not know the character personally, even though we do meet at official
> > functions and, of course, in the office.
> >
> > Anyway, I wish to share an anecdot with Solomon, as an illustration of
> > character in the man: Last year, Charles Taylor paid a visit to The
> > Upon arrival, he was met by Yahya Jammeh and the usual crowd. In
> > that crowd was Baba Jobe.
> >
> > There were many folks present, so I can afford to pinpoint my location.
> > Charle Taylor walked the receiving line, he noticed Baba and rushed  to
> > greet his old time friend, leaving his host six steps behind: "Hey Baba,
> > are here? (Don't mind him, he knows where Baba Jobe is every
> > minute of the day) "Good to see you", said Taylor.
> >
> > Yaya Jammeh was astonished at the site of his trusted confidant in the
> > arms of Charles Taylor. Jammeh could not conceal his astonishment; he
> > Baba's sleeves and said "You did not tell me that you are on first name
> > basis with Charles Taylor".
> >
> > He is right, that was the first time Yahya knew the close relationship
> > between Baba and Charles Taylor. I'll leave the rest to Solomon.
> >
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