Tombong Saidy:

I'll be grateful if you could confirm or deny the piece of information
contained in the write-up, which is further below.

Ebrima Ceesay,

PS: I tried sending this posting earlier, to the L, from my e-mail
address, but the Gambia-L List Server now seems to be rejecting mails that I
am sending to the L, from my Yahoo account. So I have now decided to send
this posting again, this time from my hotmail account, and I hope it goes

I have to say that I am getting sick and tired of this e-mail business and
also the Gambia-L List Server. Or is it that some computer wizard somewhere
is playing games with me.



I have learnt that Mr. Lamin Juwara, who was working at the Gambia Embassy
in Washington DC, has been recalled immediately, and (reportedly) accused of
being inefficient in the way and manner in which he had handled the
demonstration in Washington DC
organized by Gambians in the US.

But it is not clear to me whether this had to do with this recent
demonstration, in connection with the students shootings, or the other one
which was held earlier during Jammeh's visit to the US.

My informant only told me that Lamin Juwara had been recalled allegedly
because of the inefficient way and manner in which he had handled the
demonstration held by Gambians in the US.

Specifically, Mr Lamin Juwara is (reportedly) accused of letting the
demonstrators in the Embassy premises and also telling the Gambian Secret
Service official (at the Embassy) that it was okay to allow Gambian
demonstrators inside the Embassy compound.

He was (allegedly) reported by Mr. John Bojang, the Gambian Ambassador to
the USA, and another diplomat on Gambia-L, whose name I have withheld.

So, Tombong, this is what I have learnt and would be grateful if you could
deny or confirm it.

Ebrima Ceesay
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