Hi Chester,

           I was hoping you where still here to get the post I put out this
morning. Perhaps it will help with a job. Send me your phone number for
where you will be, so I can call while you are on list hiatus!! You know you
can get a yahoo account and then check you e-mail at the library - since you
don't want to tie up your parents phone lines!!  I will take you off
Saturday am. OK?

                                                Hugs from Us
                                                    Trisha and Amber

> Well, since other people are having trouble getting off this list I better
> start going too.  Its been very fun being with you people and some of the
> help you have given me has been great as well.  I hate to leave, but my
> account will be terminated on Friday.  Hopefully by the end of the year I
> will be back up and running again.
> Chester Worwa