<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

What a helpful group of friends, I am receiving so many postings that are so
very helpful.  Many though are referring to a pain that would be up above my
waist below my rib cage, telling me it is my gallbladder.   My pain was (it
is about gone now after 3 days) below my waist on the right side about 2
inches below my waist.  It radiated all around to my back and caused me to
stoop.   Could that still be my gallbladder?  Thought about an appendicitis
but didn't have any of the other symptoms.  Also many are asking what was in
the gravy.  I can not have any dairy so it only had the pan drippings, water
and sorgum flour (can't have corn etc.)  I eat sorgum all the time and it
seems to do fine.  Same water I always drink too.  So, maybe its just the
air, I remember someone posting that dirt is probably gluten contaminated
and I wonder sometimes about the air.  Working with celiac (and it is fairly
new to this 50 year old grandma, just since Dec. or so) seems so very
complicated and you have to be allert every minute to what is going in next.

You are all so helpful, I don't know what I would do without all this help.
Those of you  that have been at this for a long time, please do be patient
with us that need the little extra help that we ask of you.  We have so much
to learn and there is so little time between breakfast and supper.  Thank
you all for helping me the way you have. Now, any ideas on this pain in my
right side?  My daughter of 27 has it too from time to time like me (pretty
sure she is celiac too).   Thanks, Nancy

"...Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where
is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls."
                                       Jeremiah 6:16.
Visit our family's web site at http://members.aol.com/SowersSeed/