<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

We, in Topeka, KS, are very excited that so many people have signed up
for the University of Maryland Celiac Screening on April 29, 2000.  We
had no idea what we would have in numbers.  As of today, over 200 have
signed up.  That may not sound like a lot to big cities, but we are very
pleased.  Many have signed up through hearing about the screening and
wondering if that is what they have that has been making them ill.  I
have no doubt that individuals who have been sick for too long will gain
awareness of the disease, get the correct diagnosis, receive the needed
education, and begin feeling well again.  Along with the screening will
be speakers discussing CD (doctor, dietitian, support group member, and

My point is--we are so fortunate that research is taking place.  I hope
many cities or support groups will take on this task so we can help the
research move along.  The next generation will gain from our
participation now.  If you have an opportunity to participate in the
research, do so.

To those companies who have sent products for samples or door prizes at
the screening, I thank you so much.  You are a huge part of making our
day better.

Sharon in Kansas