<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Listmates:

Sorry this took so long to get back.  I got a plethora of replies...here's
the rundown:


- ONE person actually mentioned that they have celiac disease and have
undergone a "pull-through" operation involving a J-Pouch.

- Yes, I had my large intestines removed 7 years ago (that includes the
colon). I have a "J" pouch, where I do not wear a bag.  I was diagnosed
with Celiac 3 years ago.

I'd be glad to discuss problems, similarities if you're interested.

I, too, have problems with tomatoes, acidic foods and some spices.  I eat
them in moderation.  Things that help, apples, banannas, apple sauce.  Try
cream of rice cereal.  The docs said pototao chips would help, I don't see
it instead the fat content throws me off.  I eat very little fiber, but
need it for iron so I it in moderation.  I try VERY hard to eat before 6
pm, and very little after that.  I took myself off lomotal (spelling?), it
didn't seem to help.

Hope that helps a little.  I have not found anyone else on this list
mentioning colon removal, glad you did.  My docs told me I was the only
person they knew of with FAP (familial polyposis (hundreds of thousands of
polypis in the lage intestines) and Celiac (of course small intestine).
When I posted a question a year ago asking if anyone else had both I
didn't get any answers, just questions.

When I get very irritated I use Resinol.  It's a medicated ointment that is
available at most pharmacies in the U.S.  This was recommended to me by a
nurse when I had terrible problems with rashes after my 2nd surgery for my
J pouch.  It has helped me tremendously.  I use it about once a month, when
I'm extremely uncomfortable.

The other thing I do may seem odd, but it really helps.  My doc said to
always wear a cotton ball for "accidents".  But it really does more than
that, it keeps you dry and stops a lot of rashes from occurring.  My doc
said to use three and tear them apart to make one big one.  I use the
triple size ones and they work fine.  I NEVER leave home without them.
This little trick has saved my a lot of discomfort.

I hope these further explanations help your husbands discomforts.

-Someone else mentioned that they don't have the pull-through, but they are
missing some intestine and have problems with some foods:

I haven't been diagnosed with celiac and won't be if I have it because I
eliminated gluten while eliminating foods that were creating problems.
I have 6 inches of large intestine.  I was about 5 years too soon for
the pull-through which several family members have had.  Several years
ago I tried taking cayenne and garlic capsules for sinus problems.  They
helped immensely until I had a sore rectum.  I don't remember exactly
what symptoms I had but it went away when I stopped cayenne and garlic
and returned when I tried them a second time.

I would suggest keeping a food diary and see if you can determine what
might be causing the problem.  I know that is easier said than done.
Fruits can cause diarrhea and fruit juice tends to be more problematic.
Bananas, apples, potatoes, asparagus, and metamucil type fiber
supplements can have a thickening effect.

Another helpful note:

I have colitis as well as celiac. The docs wanted to remove my colon before
we knew I had celiac disease.I have burning diarhea as a result of gluten,
tomatoes, apples, pinnappleand most fresh fruit. Soy is also a problem for
me. Pesticides and gasoline fumes will give me diarhea and a migraine.My
colitis is a minor problem now, was  severe even with medication, No meds
now. I am extremely sensitive to gluten so that my family must keep a GF
household. My son is the same but he primarily has nuerological symtoms with
minor diarhea.

And yet another:

Even though I haven't had part of my colon removed, I have the burning
sensation as well that lasts for about 3 days after I eat something with
gluten in it.

Has your husband tried a good acidopholus supplement?  I find that building
up the good bacteria in my colon helps to minimize my symptoms.  Bio-k is my
favourite.  I think that before I went off gluten, eating wheat products
really had an affect on the lining of my colon and made me more sensitive
toward other foods.  I never used to be able to drink coffee and now I can
drink it all the time.  I am 26 and have eaten gluten free for a year.  I am
so thankful that I figured out what was wrong with me at a relatively early
age!  I am still looking for other things that will help combat the
symptoms.  If you get any great suggestions, let me know.

Someone else has partial intestine:

I  have my  intestines except  some  feet of the small  has been removed
When I have a bm I do have burning  in my rectum.(at times not all the time)
I live on  TPN as my diagnosis was too late so I'm on endstage of celiac
disease, in the 5% that never heals.

several people responded on the issue of burning diarrhea:

-when i mess up that is the first sign all that seams to help is tucks the
littke pads the witch hazel seams to be gf in them i tuck one in my butt and
leave it there (sorry if it seams crude but there you go) it helps a lot
kills the burn and reduces the rash i get down there when i mess up.

- I'm just Celiac, but thought it might help to pass along that Tomatos tear
me, and my dad (supposedly not celiac) up. Any small amount of tomato and its
like food poisoning. We guess its just another allergy to avoid.

- I can't help you on the topic of colons, but you're the first person to
mention a sensitivity to acidic foods. In my case, my skin breaks out. I
can't seem to eat tomatoes and fruit at all any more.

several people offered help/advice:

- Although I don't know of anyone in your particualar situation I do know of
some natural treatment alternatives that have really saved me.  Let me know
if you are interested?

- All celiac's have burning diearea no matter colon or not.  The only way to
take care of it is to make sure he is free of all the forbidden foods.

- With that kind of problem you should be consulting a dietition because this
is much more complex a problem.  Furthermore anyone with a gut problem should
probably be eating bland, fully cooked foods and never acidic juices or
spicey foods.  Celiacs also have allergies to many other foods so you need to
consult a professional.

Well, that was about it.  Several people wrote to express their concern and
sympathy for the pain my husband goes through.  That was very sweet, thank

Thanks for all the suggestions and comments.  You guys are wonderful!

Dundas, (near Hamilton), Ontario CANADA