I threw out the old aluminum pots, replaced anti-perspirants
with plain deodorants, brush teeth with baking soda, and
found that kosher salt does not have aluminum silicate in
it to keep it from caking.........been reading labels a lot.....
I was amazed to see one of the sugars listed as an ingredient
in iodized salt...............
.....haven't had an infected sweat gland in the armpit since
I stopped using anti-perspirants and shaving under the
arms.......No, I don't worry about hair showing.....I don't
wear sleevless clothes and my underarm hair is blond
anyway.......hardly shows...............

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On Mon, 24 Apr 2000 16:13:15 -0800 Zoe <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> >-And Oog the caveman did not rub aluminum salts into his armpits,
> >eat alum-leavened bread or alum-soaked pickles, cook tomato
> >sauce in aluminum pots, drink from aluminum cans, brush
> >his teeth with paste from aluminum tubes, "soften" his drinking
> >water with aluminum salts or wrap his meat in aluminum foil.
> >And don't even start on aluminum-containing antacids, vaccines
> >and other medications.
> I have a question about this - do you all not use deodorant or
> toothpaste - or are there some brands that don't have aluminum? If
> you don't use commercial toothpaste, what would you use to brush
> your
> teeth?
> Just wondering...
> Z
> Zoe Sodja
> Document Publishing & Editing Center
> University of California Santa Cruz
> (831) 459-3882
> [log in to unmask]

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