On Sun, 16 Apr 2000 22:11:35 -0500 mjd <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> I now have an electric ice cream maker to make small amounts of "ice
> cream" -- of course milk free.  Does anyone know how to make a
> for cream using rice milk, soy milk etc., since of course it needs  to
> thick.

If you can use eggs, you might try a cooked custard type ice cream
recipe.  You should be able to use the thinner milks for that as the eggs
give a lot of the body.  I have not tried any since we can't do eggs.  I
generally stuck to the cooked types of bases before since I could cut
back on the cream and reduce the fat without getting it too icy.

Now I usually stick to the sorbet or granita recipes and churn them in my
ice cream maker.  I've made a lot of good flavors like watermelon and
strawberry, but also some more gormet flavors like cantelope and pink
grapefruit.  I even made a white peach when my neighbor gave me a bunch
of drops from her tree last summer.

Kathy P.

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