simple view: Pros on DSL 1) A very fast steady connection. 2) A dedicated line to the station 3) A pretty good amont of bandwidth for the average to above average user. Cons on DSL 1) Not avalibile everywhere you must be located within a certain range of a station and you distance affects speed and bandwidth. 2) it ain't cheap 3) Tech support for dsl has gotten better but it still is not where it should be. Pros on cable 1) greater speed than DSL(sometimes see cons) 2) Avalibility it is probably easier to get cable, Dsl in some areas has quite a waiting list 3) better tech support in many cases depending on carrier, results may vary. Cons on Cable 1) not dedicated you share bandwidth with every one who connects to that trunk and if there are a lot of users your speed and bandwidth drop. 2) it ain't cheap it usually cost less than DSL but I see about an average of $40 a month for Cable 3) Questionable security issues You can be sure a can of worms can be opened on this issue, and prefences will be as varied as the needs they fill. From commerical to home use to single computer use to small LANs. Break down what is most important to you. Is it speed, bandwidth, support , security, ect.. ect. . Then based on your needs decide which meets your needs better and go with that. Also most important do comprasion shopping. Found what your friends results have been and delve deeply he may have cable modem that always gives him great bandwidth,but upon further digging you learn that it almost never working,"but the techs are on it." Or your friend who has dsl but had to wait six weeks to get it and the tech support he needs has had him on hold for almost as long and will that buzzing sound ever stop coming out of his phones. This kinda stuff always comes with it's pros and cons no matter what. Now you could win the lottery and then just have an OC-48 brought to you for about $60,000 a month, no problem right??? On Tue, 04 April 2000, Bobby Sutton wrote: > > Just about ready to dump my second line and go with one or the other, I know > it has been discussed plenty here but Cable Vs Telovelocity (for example re: > dsl modem) , what was the final analyst of the two? > > Bobby Sutton > > PCBUILD's List Owner's: > Bob Wright<[log in to unmask]> > Drew Dunn<[log in to unmask]>

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