I wish to extend my deepest condolence to the family of the late Omar
Barrow.Omar has been a nice guy during our days at the Citizen Fm radio
station.We worked together at the radio for over a year and we had a very
good working relationship.He always keep his smile even during difficult
times and i respect him for that.Let's all pray for Omar and the rest of the
students who lost their lives during this demonstration and hope that the
paramilitary will next time think twice before firing at innocent
gambians.May Allah guide the Gambia our beloved country!
Fatou Harona Drammeh
>From: Thomas Forster <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Remarks To A Seminar On Poverty Eradi
>Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 11:26:02 +1200
>On 13 Apr 00 at 5:26, sidi sanneh wrote:
> > Dear Mr. Forster,
> > In case you haven't heard, at least 12 school children
> > have lost their lives in The Gambia and as a result
> > the entire country and friends of The Gambia around
> > the world are in mourning. I consider your posting to
> > be ill-timed and in poor taste to say the least. I am
> > not being rude, just brutally frank.
> > Sidi Sanneh
> >
>Well you are entitled to your opinion Mr. Sanneh and I respect that.
>  But Ebrima's paper was discussed before the events in Banjul and I
>was just sending him some comments that could be useful to him in the
>future.  I take it by your posting that I should have kept
>it until the problems in Banjul have been resolved or better still
>send it by private mail.  Ebrimas postiong was sent to all and I
>make no apologies for sending it at this time.  If it is in bad
>taste for you then you should put it where you feel it belongs.
>Have a nice day.
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