Zimbabwe's War Veterans Threaten To Seize Power

March 17, 2000

HARARE, Zimbabwe (PANA) - Zimbabwe's former independence fighters have
threatened to launch a guerrilla war if President Robert Mugabe's governing
party lost parliamentary elections in April.

The former guerrillas said opposition parties in the country were on the
pay-roll of big powers, led by the former colonial master, Britain, trying
to dislodge the Zimbabwean leader from power for standing up for the
interests of blacks, particularly farmland.

"We will never allow people who oppressed us to come to power. It means we
will go back to the bush. We will declare a military government," Andrew
Ndlovu, a leader of the former guerrillas, said Thursday.

"Should the party (Mugabe's) fail us, we would rather go into a military
government for a period of five years to set things straight," he added.

Mugabe's ZANU-PF party faces the biggest electoral challenge of its 20-year
rule in the April polls, from the opposition capitalising on its poor
economic management record.

The former guerrillas have in recent weeks seized hundreds of white-owned
farms to press demands for land reform, which the government accuses Britain
and other big powers of stalling.

Much of the country's best agricultural land is controlled by 4,500 white
farmers, and the government wants to acquire it without adequate
compensation to resettle landless blacks.

Mugabe, brushing aside local and international criticism of the farm
seizures, has encouraged his former fighters to stay put on the farms they
had occupied.
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