
Rewriter came with Adaptec 3.5b, but the backup part really doesn't work
that well.

Really looking for a program similar to the Windows backup that would
work with my CD Rewriter.

Lew Russakov
Huntington Beach, CA

Date:    Sun, 13 Feb 2000 19:27:20 -0800
From:    Dave Gillett <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Backup

On 7 Feb 00, at 10:17, Lew M Russakov wrote:

> I am using a CD rewriter to back up my computer.
> Under System Tools, the backup program will not recognize the drive
> my rewriter is on.
> I also can't get Quicken to backup to the rewriter.
> 1. Does anyone know how to get System Tools/Backup and Quicken to
> recognize my rewriter?
> 2. What should I backup? I am backing up my Document folder, but don't
> know how to backup the Registry.
> 3. Should I be backing up Autoexec and Config files?
> 4. Any other backup suggestions?
> I am running Win 98SE, Quicken 99 and have an H-P8200i Rewriter.
> Thanks,
> Lew Russakov
> Huntington Beach, CA

  I realize this is a bit late, but I don't see any other answers

  In general, CD-rewriters are not seen as such by the OS, and so by
utilities such as the Backup under System Tools.  You need to install
CD-rewriter software, such as Adaptec's EZ-CD Creator.
  Most CD-rewriters come with *at least* a basic program for writing
stuff to CD.  The better programs include decent capabilities
specifically for doing backups, and some of the commercial backup
utilities now include support for CD-writers.

David G

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