From: "Robert McGlohon" <[log in to unmask]>
> What was the most important invention from the last 1,000 years?  A strong
> argument can be made for the Guttenberg (sp?) movable-type press.

I agree wholeheartedly!

More generally, written language is arguably the most significant
development in the history of our species. Recorded words of any kind are
amazing, whether they be on tape or in written form. Recorded words allow
people to communicate across distance and time, almost as if by magic.
Written communications are almost as magical as radio or television signals.
In fact I think written language would have seemed very much like magic to
our paleolithic ancestors.

This electronic mailing list for discussion of paleofood is really a modern
marvel. It is perhaps the most un-paleolithic thing imaginable. If we are
really going to return to a paleolithic lifestyle then we should all
unsubscribe immediately! :)
