>>i don't have the need and i can't change anybody else decisions.
>I was responding to what you wrote a couple days ago:
>>If i could influence peoples to take
>>charge of their own well being before they collapse i will feel usefull.

>This sounds opposite of what you claim today.

When one want to see division one  see it. i don't feel any contracdictions.
betweens the 2 statements

>>I just have a sens that you judge yourself harshly for having been yourself
>>the person that you think i am.
>Oh, now I understand. You think I am jealous of you! Worry not. But I am
>still confused--am I judging myself or you?

that is my point , judging is separating yourself from myself  . from your
perspective you might think you can ,from my, i know you can't . And i smile
at the attempt.
i don't perceive you jealous but righteous

the choice is between being right or happy , i prefer to be wrong and stick
to the image that you want me to be.

>And you feel that a majority of people will adopt your instincto purism
>because there are organic foods in rich countries' grocery stores?

the first suporters of organically grown foods was seen as purists too. What
is so disturbing in striving for quality of life.?

>People can eat pretty much what they choose, if they are rich enough. ;)

among what is there ,.  from my point of view,  there is not that much
available in the stores.

>>Yes i will appreciate to spend less time trying to find or produce the last
>>remnant of good foods at the same time that i enjoy it a lot.
>Confusing. You want to spend less time chasing your pure foods, or you
>enjoy it? I have some tips for you if you want to spend less time chasing
>1] Simply forget about things like pistachio nuts, olives, etc.

i can't forget olives they are in my cupboard now ( thanks mary) still
looking for pistachios tho.

>--you can
>live a fulfilling life without them.

This is where is the fun , searching for food, it reminds me so much of when
i was looking for mushrooms in the mountains of the pyrenenes. the
excitement of the hunter. ( i am litle bit animal in that regard  i like the
stalking , shopping is not my trip)

>2] Raise your own animals instead of getting in the local farmer's faces
>about how they do it.

Farmers who raise the animals for me (because they have the acreage that i
don't have ) are my friends and like me very much ,Thursday i am going to
prune the fruit trees of one of them in exchange of the meat. he was a
vegetarian  professional nutritionist before he moved here and when i tell
him that by giving grain to cow he  might affect the ratio of omega 3 omega
6 in the fats, he listen. so peoples change their minds about things and
there is nothing wrong in being there at the right time and at the right
place to help on the way

>3] Mostly, just lighten up about the quality of your foodstuffs.

I just can't adjust to the taste of a commercial (organic or not) peach  or
filbert for example once you got the good stuff you don't settle easely for
less. The filberts and peaches on my land ( the 2 only mature trees) are a
It is funny because my 3 year old son is as obssessive about the good stuff
, when he tastes an apple at his friend house he spit it out and say: c'est
pas bon. he got spoilled with real apples.
he is going to be very unhappy in a world of plastic foods  i should trained
him to not be so purist  and accept things as they are ( jocking)

>This would free you up from your occupation as a food chaser, but, alas,
>there might be a void left that would feel uncomfortable.

i experienced the void ( when i was immobilised in my body dying on an
hospital bed)  before that and it is that experience that made me chase
after a good life.

>You imply that others are wrong all the time in your posts--from the evil
>multinationals to anyone who cooks their paleofood or eats commercial meats
>or in some way doesn't live up to your standards about what is "right". You
>make it clear that "un-natural" is bad and that you are "natural". Perhaps
>it is hard for you to see how that comes off much of the time...

that is where you get confused i can see the wrongness in the system of
things without having to make wrong the participants in it .
I choose in the past to not participate to the war  preparation system in
France, because i saw it was wrong it didn't make the participants in it
wrong  in my eyes.( my sister's husband, my ex partner brother,  a friend
were all profesionnals in the army and appreciated by me , still didn't like
to see them participating in the folly)
 But i tried to give them a different point of view than the one they had
been educated to accept.

The point of all my posts  here,  is to say that to seek health in a sick
world it might require more questionning of accepted ideas and more
challenging changes than just  quitting dairy and grains. And those changes
require support from same minded peoples .
About that i want to raise peacocks , pheasants, guinea fowls,  turkey  and
i would like to know if some of you have experience with thoses birds and
how difficult it will be to give them a diet as close as posible of what
they eat in the wild. ( are they eating more insects or more seeds
