>jeanclaude, Do you make any pemmican with that grass fed beef? I bet it
>would be great, I'll order a ton!

Hmmmm ! i am struggling around that. My conscience is troubled.
I don't believe at that point  that heating fat is healthy so i don't want
to encourage anybody to do so.
I have the same kind of conscience problems with my business of dry fruits.
I am producing dry fruits with what i consider high standard of quality
 dried without any additives at low temperature and no irrigation, harvested
ripe etc....) but peoples at the market ask me :,why don't you dip your dry
fruit in chocolate,? or make cake with it to sale to us? or do you have
candied cranberries? etc...
I systematically for years don't compromise even if it will make more sens
economically to do so.
But sometimes i wonder because if i don't  offer peoples higher quality of
what they want they end up buying the junk in the store anyway!
So i thought of making pemmican since on that list specially because i am
not using  all the fat of the beef that i am drying .
so may be the next quarter of beef i will make some and see how i feel !

thanks Mary for stretching my limitations.