On Sat, 19 Feb 2000, Micki Fraser wrote:

> My dehydrator which I purchased 5 years ago for about 60 american dollars has
> paid for itself over and over again. They're even less expensive now.

I recently decided to get a dehyrdator and my first web searches
turned up beasts going $150 and up.  Ouch.  Happily I was able
to later find the cheaper ones ($40).  I can't wait till it
arrives :)

> I encourage this route instead of buying readymade which is hugely overpriced
> and excessively seasoned.

I took a look at the ingredients in grocery store jerky.
The first ingredient was beef.  So far, so good.  Next was
water.  WTF?  I thought the idea was to dehyrate this
stuff.  Now things really go downhill - third on the list
was brown sugar.  Next was corn syrup, followed by
preservatives and dyes.  Yech.  It was actually labelled
