I had read that about animals eating the intestines,
etc of a kill first also.  When my husband and I
visited Wolf Park in Lafayette, Indiana, we asked them
what they fed their wolves (wild, but socialized) and
what part they ate first.  They feed them raw food
(sometimes roadkill deer, sometimes other stuff and
somtimes birds, rabbits, etc they catch and kill
themselves in their enclosure).  they said that most
of the time, the wolves did *not* eat the intestines
or stomache contents first, instead, pulling them out
and getting them out of the way to eat the rest of the
carcass first.  Does this generalize to all wild
animals - who knows?????????  I just found it
p.s.  for those who want more info, search for wolf
park for their website (sorry I don't remember it offhand)