Someone asked earlier if there was a fruit that was pretty much unchanged
since early times....
I think the cactus berry, called a tuna by hispanics, is probably very much
the same as it has always been.
We have an abundance of this fruit here in south Texas and it is good to eat.
You have to be careful when harvesting due to the thorns.
To anyone that is more informed on this subject than I, what do you think? Do
you think these cactus fruits are pretty much the original thing? As far as I
know, no one
has bothered to alter this plant.
Another question - I have read that native Americans in this region ate the
pod of the
mesquite tree. Would this be considered paleo? I believe they pulverized the
pods and made a type of meal with them. I do not yet know how they prepared
the meal.

Thanks for any info you may have.